Description of Cystogomphus and its only species C. humblotii added
Today I have added information on one very interesting lamellate bolete that was found in France in 1924 and never seen since. This is Cystogomphus humblotii. Unfortunately you will not see photographs of this species as such do not exist. In the literature on this species there is one colour illustration published and black and white line drawing. I will be most thankful if somebody may provide me with scans of the two publications below, so I can request permission from their publishers to upload them on Those publications are:
Horak, E. 1968. Synopsis generum Agaricalium. – Beiträge zur Kryptogamenflora der Schweiz 13: 1–741.
Humblot, M.R. 1926. Note sur deux espèces américaines récoltées aux environs de Paris. – Bulletin Trimestriel de la Société Mycologique de France 42: 75–80.