Three new species and new photographs added

Three new Suillus species and new photographs added

I recently had a very interesting discussion with my Californian friend Dimitur Bojantchev (MushroomHobby) about the Pseudotsuga-associated species of Suillus. We were both very interested that only Suillus lakei has established itself in Europe, out of any doubt introduced through seedlings of its mycorrhizal host-tree. It is amazing, having in mind that the species of this genus are easily established even if not native. An interesting thought then came through my mind. Having some experience in botany, I can certainly say that you cannot identify a plant if it is not even mentioned in your books; it is certainly the same with fungi.

That is why now three more Suillus species appear on the list:

Suillus caerulescens

Suillus immitatus

Suillus ponderosus

They have not been found in Europe yet, but there might be some chance that some of them migrated with Douglas fir’s seedlings. So, keep an eye and don’t forget to preserve specimens, should it happen to come across any of them.

In addition Dimitur Bojantchev also provided some very nice photos which you will now see under the following species:

Boletinus pictus

Leccinum albostipitatum

Leccinum holopus

Leccinum versipelle

Leccinum vulpinum

Thank you very much for this, Dimi!